Friday, 2 October 2020

Two quilt shows in one weekend!

Yes, I'm planning on visiting two quilt shows this weekend.  I'm off on another holiday and this time I'm going to the Chateau Tongariro Hotel in the central North Island.  

This hotel was originally built in the 1920's, but it's got all the mod cons now.  I've never been inside, so it will be something new for me.  

I know a lot of you have been to New Zealand, but you've probably never been here because it's right in the middle of the North Island.  It's below Lake Taupo, but off the beaten track (as we like to say). 

I'm also planning to attend the Taupo Quiltmakers exhibition on Friday - see their poster above.   I really should be at home in Wellington attending Capital Quilters exhibition, but I'll be back in time to attend that on Sunday.  This holiday was booked long before we had to postpone Capital Quilters exhibition. 

The other side of Mt Whakapapa, viewed from the Desert Road

We're in the middle of one final winter blast this week, so I hope there's plenty of snow on the mountains.  

I'll report back next week with lots of photos from both exhibitions.  

Meanwhile, it's time for the Peacock Party.  Feel free to link up a recent blog post below. 


Marly said...

Enjoy your trip north, Wendy. The landscape looks really spectacular. You're lucky that quilt shows can go ahead; our local show has been postponed twice, and now abandoned. A sign of the times.

Gretchen Weaver said...

Have a lovely time at the show, safe travels. Nothing for me to link up this week, it's been a no sew week here. Happy stitching!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I'm very envious of your attending so many lovely quilty gatherings. We are still in lockdown more or less here with large events all cancelled. Enjoy it all as I"m sure you will. Thank you for including a map and photos of the area...always a pleasure to see and learn.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love seeing places that are off the beaten path - it is so fun to see and places with historical value are a plus to see.

Char said...

Looking forward to seeing lots of pictures of gorgeous quilts. I'm just an armchair traveler now so I love seeing your pictures of New Zealand - so beautiful. Having never been there, can you tell me the distance between Wellington and the Chateau? We are sister cities with Palmerston North, wish I'd had the chance to visit before the world turned upside down.

Mari said...

What a beautiful place you live! And how lucky that you still have quilt shows. Sadly, we have viruses instead. Not nearly as much fun. Have a good weekend!

Jenny said...

The Chateaux is one of my favourite places to visit. They do a lovely High Tea there. Enjoy your holiday, and both quilt shows.