Hand Piecing Videos

I made some YouTube videos to explain how I hand piece.

You can go straight to them on my YouTube channel here - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRJCtmb0KW1UvOkjM9IOM0g?view_as=subscriber

Or you can read the background information that I included in my blog posts when I released each of the videos here:

Hand Piecing 101 - tools required plus a demonstration

Hand Piecing 102 - how to make your own templates

Hand Piecing 103 - how to hand piece an 8 pointed star

I hope you find these videos helpful.


Gay from NH said...

Hi Wendy! I love your blog and find your work so inspiring. I wondered if you could recommend a good beginner book on wool appliqué. I am in the US and would love to know what you would consider good resources.
Thanks so much!
Gay Brearley

Wendy @ Wendysquiltsandmore said...

Hi Gay

I hope you see this comment here. I recommend books by Sue Spargo or Wendy Williams https://www.amazon.com/Wild-Blooms-Colorful-Creatures-Appliqu%C3%A9/dp/1607058723
I hope that link works. Wool felt applique is quite easy because there's no need to turn the edges under. But there's so many creative stitches to explore. Have fun.

Rebecca Grace said...

Wendy, just wanted to reach out and thank you for that wonderful 8-pointed star video! It was lovely to hear your voice in the video. I used my Featherweight machine instead of hand piecing, but other than that I followed all of your directions to the letter and my Lemoyne Star block came out PERFECT! I am doing a happy dance over here because of you!! I especially appreciated seeing how you press the seams from the back of the block, too. THANK YOU!!!