Friday, 23 October 2020

Don't Leaf Me

This week I've been working on "Don't Leaf Me" by Wendy Williams. 

I've had this kit for over a year, but due to many other distractions, I haven't got very far with this one.  I decided that I needed to show it some love this week.  

I've done a lot of wool felt applique in the past, but I haven't done much needle turn applique. There's so many different ways to do needle turn applique! Everyone has a different method.  In the end, I asked one friend to show me her method, and that's what I'm going with.  I won't explain it here yet (because I've only appliqued 2 leaves so far), but this method seems to be working for me.   

Kits for this quilt are available from Material Obsession in Sydney - however, when I bought my kit they had run out of the green Anna Maria Horner print on the borders, so they substituted it for the same print in brown.  However, I love the green colourway, so I managed to track it down, and repurposed the brown into the backing for another quilt.  They also sell just the pattern which you can buy here.  

Now it's time for the Peacock Party.  What have you been up to this week?


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love that kit very nice embroidery added to accent

Marie said...

Terrific pattern Wendy; your work is beautifully precise. It looks like you are having lots of fun, even if it was a bit of a delayed start. To every thing there is a season...

Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said...

That looks so pretty and bright. I love that kind of project.

LA Paylor said...

how beautiful your fabrics and stitching are!!! Love the tiny flowers

Susan said...

Very pretty, colorful flowers!

Anonymous said...

This is so pretty, Wendy!


Celine said...

Wow, your applique is amazing!

Susan said...

While it is obviously a Wendy Williams pattern, it is very reminiscent of AMH isn't it? Needle turn applique is certainly a skill worth mastering, isn't it? There something very satisfying about getting all those pesky fraying edges tucked in as you sew!

FlourishingPalms said...

You know, I've never bought a kit, so obviously have never made any quilty thing from a kit. This looks like a good one for you, and I'm glad you're appliquêing. You're right about everyone haven't their favorite appliquê method. Mine favorite method - though I haven't done it for years - is back-basted. Enjoy your hand-stitching time. I've come to appreciate handwork more and more, the older I get.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Such bright and beautiful fabrics. A joy to work with, I'm sure.

Dolly said...

I love all your work Wendy. It's all so inspiring. Best wishes for 2021.