Friday, 15 December 2023

Happy 10th Birthday to my blog

I can hardly believe this, but I started this blog 10 years ago today.  Here's a link back to my very first post.  

I started my blog because my friends and relatives had told me that they really looked forward to receiving my Christmas letter and seeing photos of the things that I had made during the year.  And also because I wanted to keep a personal record of what I had made.  

Some pears I finished last week

I've made 689 blog posts since 16 December 2013 - that's at least one a week, every week for 10 years!!

Five years ago today I started the Peacock Party - a weekly link up party for fellow bloggers to share what they have been working on. 

Since December 2018 I've blogged and hosted the Peacock Party every Friday.  When I've gone away I've scheduled posts in advance.  I'm really grateful to all the people who link up to the Peacock Party week after week, and to all the people I meet who tell me they look forward to reading my blog.  

But hosting the Peacock Party has been a big commitment so I've decided that this will be the last Peacock Party for the foreseeable future. 

BUT, I will still continue to blog on Fridays when I do have something to share, so please continue to check in, and you can always follow me on Instagram or Facebook because it's easier to share a quick photo there.

Another decoration I finished last week

I've been working on a at least three secret quilts this year and it's hard to find things to blog about when all my time has been spent on projects I can't to share yet.  Some of these projects are secrets because they are Block of the Months and we are not allowed to show anyone yet, and some are my own quilts that I want to keep a surprise until they are shown in exhibitions.  

So there's going to be plenty of eye candy on my blog in 2024 when I'm finally allowed to share these secret projects. 

I will not let my blog die - it's been a great way to connect with so many people, and it's also my own personal record of what I make.  I'm still going to do my recap of 2023 before the end of December because I like looking back before we start another year.

So, for the very last time, feel free to link up a recent blog post below. 

Thank you to everyone who has linked up over the past five years. 


Gretchen Weaver said...

I also enjoy reading your blog posts. Your projects are always so colorful and lovely! Happy anniversary!

Hubblebird said...

Hi Wendy. I remember when you started the Peacock Party shortly after Crazy Mom had to quit. I’ve really enjoyed participating on and off over the last five years. I especially like catching up with what other quilters are doing and by being inspired by them. I will miss the party a lot. Thank you for hosting it over 5he years. It will be sadly missed by many.

Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said...

Happy Blog anniversary, Wendy! I started my blog in March 2008 for the same reasons, to show all the things I have made. I like blogging so much more than FB or Instagram (and I don't get ads popping up when I read blogs, like on other social media! I know blogging isn't as popular as it once was and people want everything fast and don't want to read blogs like they used to, but I prefer it and have slowed way down on my other social media postings. I understand about the Peacock Party Linky too. I tried a Linky years ago and it took too much time. Cheers to you and all the other bloggers out there who keep on blogging!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

Wendy I will be sorry to see you blog less it has been fun following you along and seeing all your projects. Love those pears you share today.

piecefulwendy said...

I'm sorry to see that this is the last linky, but I completely understand. I am glad you will continue to blog as I enjoy seeing what you are working on. Those pears are so cute!

Carol in Texas said...

I am glad to hear you intend to continue blogging. It has seemed to fall out of favor. I know it is much more work than posting a photo on Instagram, but I am a blog follower and love to keep in touch with stitchers and quilters around the world via blogs. Your work is always wonderful and I love seeing what you have been working on. I see your finished pears. I’m glad you’ve included crossstitch in your needlework. It has become my main focus, after abandoning it for 20 or so years. I love the flosstube world! Merry Christmas Wendy. I look forward to your December wrapup and your blogging in 2024.

PaintedThread said...

Happy blogiversary! I started mine in December, too! I'm a more recent reader to your blog, and have been enjoying your colorful projects. I'll be sad to see your linky go - it has been fun to join in! May you enjoy your future projects. :-)

Deb said...

Thank you so much for hosting! I love reading your blog and use it as a resource for lots of inspiration and pick me ups when I am feeling low.

Thank you !!! 10 Years yay!

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Happy Blog Birthday!

Carol said...

Wishing you a very happy blogoversary, Wendy! I do love those pears you created--just gorgeous. I am not a pear eater, but I sure love these :) And your sweet gingerbread piece is darling--love the tiny buttons. You are much better about posting frequently than I am :) I'm lucky if I get two posts up each month. I will hit my 15 year blog anniversary next month--hard to believe. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas ♥

Marie said...

Happy blogaversary Wendy! It's been so much fun following your creative path over the years. Your love of colour is contagious! I will miss seeing everyone else's work in the Peacock Party but totally understand that the the time it takes must be huge. Thanks so much for doing it as long as you did. Merry Christmas to you and yours, and have a wonderful 2024!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Happy Blog Birthday!!!!!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Congratulations Wendy on your blog's 10 year anniversary!

FlourishingPalms said...

Congratulations on 10 years of blogging! That's really an accomplishment, especially when you look at all the blogs/bloggers who began blogging when you and I did, (for me, since January 2009 = 15 years!) have stopped blogging completely. We've seen many changes in Blogland, haven't we? And we've taken dozens and dozens of pictures, written thousands of words, and replied to hundreds of comments. It's pretty incredible. You've got a lot of admirable stick-to-it-iveness. Well done! Merry Christmas.

annie said...

Hi Wendy. Stumbled on your blog accidentally and am very eager to see the entir.,evquilt you teased us with on your how to hand quilt blog. How could I find it/ see it? If you have time I’d appreciate a response.

Always eager to get inspiration and I love your color sense and imagination Thank you. Anne

Wendy @ Wendysquiltsandmore said...

Hello Anne. I suspect you might be referring to My Small World - designed by Jen Kingwell. You can see my version of it here on my blog

Chookyblue...... said...

congrats on your 10th birthday.........I too have a great love of blogging......