Friday, 29 July 2022

Quilt Symposium 2022

I haven't had a lot of time for quilting lately.  I've been busy organising my work conference, learning a new system for cricket registrations, and managing the communications for the Quilt Symposium 2022.  

The quilters in New Zealand get together every two or three years for a Quilt Symposium.  This time Capital Quilters are hosting the Symposium in Lower Hutt.  We've been busy booking tutors, setting up the rules the exhibition and arranging social functions.  You can read all about it here on our website:

Everyone admires our Block of the Month programme at Capital Quilters, so we decided to run Block of Symposium.  I've made 6 bears paw blocks and they are my entries into the draws.  We're hoping to get lots of blocks and will give away sets of blocks to lucky entrants.  

If you're in the Wellington region between 5-9 October I really encourage you to come and see the exhibitions at the Lower Hutt Events Centre (where Capital Quilters' exhibition was held in 2020 and 2018) and the Hutt Arts Society - just a short walk away.  I'll let you in on a secret - one of my new quilts has been accepted in to the exhibition!

There's also going to be a fantastic Merchants Mall at Sacred Heart College.  Anyone can visit the Merchants Mall - you don't need to be registered for Symposium.  

So start making plans now if you're a kiwi quilter.  We also have info about transport, parking and accommodation on our website.  

Now it's time for the Peacock Party.  Feel free to link up a recent blog post below.  


Cathy said...

Block of the Symposium sounds like a fun idea. I like those scrappy Bear Paws and I'll bet the winners will too!

Michelle said...

The bear paw blocks are so pretty, Wendy! Sure wish I could make it to the symposium.

Melva said...

I love those bearpaw blocks. And a great way for using scraps. <3 Melva

Heather said...

I wish I could be in New Zealand Wendy. I looked into flights earlier this year and also accommodation, but couldn't afford to do it. Plus I'd be without a car. So I'm looking forward to any updates you do afterwards!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Sounds like a lot of fun, enjoy your Symposium and don't work too hard.