Friday, 22 January 2021

Embroidery update

It's January, so that means long summer nights in New Zealand, and plenty of stitching.   

I'd normally be watching the Australian Open on TV right now, but the start date has been deferred to 8 February this year.   Instead I'm watching the fallout from some players having to endure 14 days in their hotel rooms (because someone on their flight tested positive for COVID once they reached Australia).  It's really going to impact on the tournament because some players can train for 5 hours a day, while others can't.  

Anyway, I've been working on three embroidery projects since Christmas.  

1. Pandemic Sampler by Long Dog Samplers.

I've finally finished page 11, so now I've done 7 out of 20 pages.  Consensus seems to be that pages 6 and 11 are the worst, and I've done both of them now, so it should be plain sailing from here.  ("Worst" as in densest stitching and most risk of error.)

2. Smoyg by Yvette Stanton

I promised to work on my Smoyg this year, and I have been. I completed the navy band in the photo below in just two nights.  Why didn't I do it earlier?

And then last night I started the large green block and I'm enjoying it. There are more colours to add to this block yet.  

So, it's looking good, but I do need to go back and complete some blocks yet. 

3. Shades of Indigo - by Northern Expressions Needlework

This wasn't on my to do list for 2021, but I've had the pattern since 2016, so surely it's OK to start one new thing.  In fact I started this piece on New Year's Day because it's a tradition among cross stitchers to start something new on 1 January.  It's a pity there's no tradition about finishing things!

This photo doesn't do it justice, but I'm using hand dyed fabric and Caron Waterlilies. 

Now it's time for the Peacock Party.  What have you been up to this week?  Feel free to link up a recent blog post below. 


Anonymous said...

Wendy, your embroidery pieces are just amazing!


Gretchen Weaver said...

All of your cross stitching projects are beautiful! Covid is disrupting so many sports this year. Hopefully the vaccine will be come available every where. Happy stitching!

Shortbread and Ginger said...

I so admire anyone who is stitching a Long Dog Sampler! I'm not sure I have the courage to start one! Liz

Lynda said...

Your embroidery is beautiful! Wow!

Cathy said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! Wonderful stitching!
I don't think I can even see to x-stitch on Aida 14 count anymore!

PaintedThread said...

Wow, that's a lot of stitching! It looks beautiful. I really like the black and white sampler.

FlourishingPalms said...

Your productivity is wonderful, Wendy! You make me feel sluggardly by comparison. But you and I are both multi-projects-simultaneously sort of makers, aren't we? I've got one sewing machine piecing project going, and two hand-stitching ones - a Kawandi with big stitch quilting, and I'm doing and machine piecing/hand piecing combo with Glitter blocks... your Glitter quilt being my inspiration. I admire your determination to continue working on large stitching projects. They look quite overwhelming to me! As for COVID-19, I am predicting no end to this, even though vaccines are coming in 2021. I heard that doctors in the UK are predicting different strains of Coronavirus to develop, and that PPE and vaccines won't protect us against them. Of course, I hope this is all wrong!

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Wow! Your stitching is perfection.

Celine said...

Your sampler is just amazing!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Absolutely breath taking! Hugs

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Beautiful projects and beautiful stitching. I especially admire your neatness on the full coverage areas. That's always tricky for me.