Sunday 19 May 2019

Aotearoa Pink challenge

Aotearoa Quilters have been running 12' x 12' colour challenges for a number of years now.  The latest colour was PINK.

The winning quilt by Sonya Prchal

The quilts were on display at Tote and Gloat in Palmerston North, so I got to have a good look at them all.  It's just amazing the ideas that people come up with! Each quilt was different and unique, and there were so many styles of quilting on show.

Here are a few of my favourites:

by Dianne Dowd

by Merrilyn George

by Sandy Briggs

by Wendy O'Neill

by Gloria Scanlen

by Shirley Sparks

by Mary Metcalf

You can see the complete PINK collection on the Aotearoa Quilters website by clicking here.

The next challenge is Silver because it's Aotearoa Quilters' 25th anniversary year.  I've got some silver fabrics set aside, but I need to get a wriggle on and make an entry.  I've only entered once so far, and that was Yellow. The quilts travel around the country and guilds can display them as part of their own exhibitions.  They look so good when they are all hung together.

I've previously blogged about the Green quilts from 2015 here

by Mary Transom

and I've blogged about the Yellow quilts from 2016 here

my little entry is top right in this photo - the English Paper Pieced sun

by Liz McKenzie

and I blogged about the Orange quilts from 2017 here

by  Theresa Vaughan

So, it's time to get ready for Silver in 2019.  And they've changed the shape to a hexagon!!! Gasp!


Quilting Babcia said...

These mini challenges are so interesting, each one a treasure. I especially liked the orange quilts, partly because so few quilters seem to feature orange in their quilts. Thanks for sharing.

Susan A said...

Hi Wendy..thanks for the lovely eye candy...the quilts are amazing

Barb Neiwert said...

Wow, what a group of stunning little quilts! I love everyone's take on using the chosen color, and then letting their imagination run wild. Such a talented group of quilters! Is the towel and dog thread quilted? It's hard to tell on my computer.

sam said...

Thanks for sharing with us. So many amazing finishes. Truly inspiring.

Rochelle aka Bella Quilts said...

Such a lovely collection of quilts. It is interesting to see what one can do in a 12" square space. Do you get a whole year to work on the quilt? Do they eventually come back home to you? Good luck with your silver entry.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! What fun! So cool to see all the entries displayed together.

OPQuilt said...

I appreciate your showing us this exhibit, and I must admit I kept wondering when I would see yours (as I remember you entered it once). The texture on some of those quilts makes me want to reach through the screen and try to touch it; I can't imagine holding back when seeing them in person!

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