Friday, 24 May 2019

My project bag - and the Peacock Party

Aurifil and Free Spirit Fabrics sent me three beautiful Anna Maria Horner Passionflower fat quarters, and a spool of Aurifil thread to play with.

I decided to make a project bag to store my hand pieced Dear Jen blocks in.  The Dear Jen programme runs for a whole year, and I certainly don't want to lose any blocks along the way, so now they are safely stowed away in my new project bag.

I used a free pattern from byAnnie for the project bag - it's in her Fall 2018 catalogue (still available to download for free from her website).  I used Annie's Soft and Stable in the middle of the sandwich, because it gives the bag good structure.

I quilted the back panel with Aurifil 4660 - a variegated pink.  Unfortunately the colour changes don't show up all that well because the stitching sinks into the Soft and Stable, but I know it's there, and you can see it if you look closely.  I would have loved to use a fancy zip, but I didn't have any that were long enough.

 I fussy cut the print on the front and the back of the bag so the flowers were in the centre.

Fortunately my local shop, Stitchbird, had Annie's mesh in hot pink.  There's a lot in a packet of mesh so I could make quite a few more of these bags yet.

I used some of my third Anna Maria Horner fat quarter for the binding.  Annie recommends cutting the binding on the bias and it really does help when there are tight corners to turn.  I chose to hand sew the binding down because it's so much neater for me.

Now my blocks will be nice and safe and I'll be able to find them easily in my brightly coloured project bag.

Thank you to Aurifil and Free Spirit Fabrics.

Now it's time for the Peacock Party. Thank you to everyone who has joined up.  Just a tip for linking up - don't just link up the url for your blog eg
but rather click on the title of the post you want to link up, and go into that page so you can copy the url for that post eg

I noticed a couple of people had just linked to their blog, rather than to the post they wanted us to visit.  No worries if it was you - we're all still learning.


Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said...

What a pretty project bag!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Cute pouch, I love the colors!

FlourishingPalms said...

Cute, cute project storage bag, Wendy! Don't you love a really useful free pattern? I think this turned out beautifully, and was probably a quick finish for you. Pink mesh at your local shop though? Gosh, how handy. Our shops don't stock mesh, nor items I want or need, so it's always online shopping for me. I received an online order of 12-weight Aurifl this week! Can't wait to start a travel-sized hand stitching project. Oh boy!

رامز المثاليه said...
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رامز المثاليه said...
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suesinger said...

Thanks for the link to the by Annie bag. Most similar ones use vinyl rather than mesh. I am also doing Dear Jen and the quiltmania blocks.

Farm Quilter said...

Your bag is wonderful!! But where did you find that amazing zipper??!! I have never seen one like that and now I need some!!

Karen's Korner said...

Pretty and to be happy with that.

Julie said...

A pretty project bag, you have had lots of pretty fabrics and threads to play with lately.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous bag! And I love items that help me organize.

chrisknits said...

Thanks for the link to the project bag!! Plan to make a lot of these for Christmas presents.

suesinger said...

Thanks for the bag link. I have made 2 already. Love your colored . Much larger mesh than found at mass market stores.