Friday, 10 September 2021

Green Diamonds

I've decided that I'm tired of walking past this quilt every day, so it's time to finish it.  

I did have grand plans to use this quilt as a hand quilting sampler, but I really don't like hand quilting through cotton batting.

I prefer to use wool batting when I'm hand quilting, but I must have had a piece of cotton batting lying around that fitted perfectly, so I used cotton batting this time.

I can see that pieces of the batting are pulling through with my stitches when I'm using the thicker threads like Perle 8 and Aurifil 12wt.  And I don't want wispy white bits of batting on the surface of my quilt.  

So I unpicked the small bit of hand quilting I'd done on the borders, and last weekend I just did four straight rows of machine quilting with my walking foot.  They're barely visible, but I needed some quilting on the borders, and it was the borders that were preventing me from finishing this quilt. 

There's still a bit more hand quilting to do in the middle, but it should be finished in a few weeks now. I'll be sure to show you the whole quilt when it's finished.  It's just a small one - lap sized.  

I actually started this quilt in a class with Kaffe and Brandon back in January 2018.  My end result is going to be quite different from where I started out. You can read an earlier post about it here.  

Now it's time for the Peacock Party.  Feel free to link up a recent blog post below.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I would love to see more of the quilt in the background in your last photo - it looks lovely

Linda said...

This quilt is stunning!! I just love it!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your quilt is stunning. I can not wait to see it when it is all completed. Thank you so much for hosting the link party and happy quilting .

Marie said...

Love the simplicity of the design for quilting the borders, I will have to keep that in mind. Sometimes we just make things more complicated than we need to, don't we. Gorgeous quilt!

FlourishingPalms said...

I think it's great how you're finishing this quilt, and I'm interested to note your preference for wool batting for hand quilting. I am currently big stitch quilting a cotton-batted quilt and haven't noticed any batting wisps coming through. Perhaps it's the difference in BRANDS of quilt batting? When I took a hand-quilting class about 15 years ago, we were told to hand quilt with polyester batting. Differences of opinions, right? I died to see your beautiful assortment of threads for hand-stitching. They're all simply wonderful! I need to expand my selection of size 8, as that's the size I most often like to big stitch quilt with.