Friday, 10 January 2020

My quilting priorities for 2020 (and the Peacock Party)

It's the start of a new year, so it's time to think about what I'd like to make in 2020.

I have two main quilting goals for 2020:
1.  to move away from English Paper Piecing to hand piecing with a running stitch
2.  to find a method of applique that suits me.

I'll be keeping those goals in mind as I work on these quilts below in 2020.

Here are the quilts I've already started and really want to finish in the first half of 2020:

1.  Ballet with Kaffe Fassett by Willyne Hammerstein from Millefiori Quilts 2.
See the tab at the top of my blog for all the details on this quilt (or click here).  I started this quilt in June 2017.  I'm going to finish it by hand quilting it in 2020.

2.  Glitter by Jen Kingwell
Another long term project, but again, it will be finished in 2020.  I started this quilt in a class with Jen Kingwell at the Christchurch Quilt Symposium in October 2017 so it contains lots of happy memories.  I hand pieced my blocks, and I'm now hand quilting it.  I'll share a full photo when it's finished.

3.  Cartwheel by Liza Prior Lucy for Kaffe Fassett Collective Quilt Grandeur book.  
I've started hand quilting this quilt (click here to see), but stitching along all those black lines it taking forever!! I know it's worth it though, so I'll keep going.

I've also started these quilts, but they aren't quite so high on the finishing list:

4.  Green Diamonds
This is my own way to use up some of the diamonds we cut at the Kaffe Fassett class in January 2018.  I need to baste this lap quilt and then I can quilt it.

5.  Neptune and the Mermaid - pattern is Pieces of the Past by Wendy Whellum
This was so much fun to make (click here to read more).  Now I just need to get it basted and then I will hand quilt it.

6.   Cross Country by Anna Maria Horner
I started this quilt in a class with Anna Maria Horner  just a few weeks ago in November 2019 (click here to read more).  However, I'm now on the look out for a perfect fabric for the big triangles on the sides.  I've seen some online, but they don't get released until mid 2020, so this quilt will be on hold for a while.

I've made a few changes to my plan since I left the class - I couldn't get a balance of colours that I was happy with, so I started again.

What I left the class with

What it looks like now

These are new quilts that I'd like to start in 2020:

7.  Don't Leaf Me by Wendy Williams
I have the kit, and have made a tiny start, but I would like to do more on this quilt in 2020. 

8.  Endless Summer by Anna Maria Horner
I got this kit for Christmas because I love the framed drawings by Monika Forsberg.  I'll love making this quilt.

9.  Stars Upon Stars by Edyta Sitar
I know, I say it every year. but 2020 is the year I will start this quilt.  Now I've got rubber stamps and I'm going to hand piece my quilt just like the Dutch ladies do.

10.  Something new from Millefiori Quilts 4
I can't wait to get my own copy of Willyne Hammerstein's new book.  This time I'm going to hand piece rather than English Paper Piece so that will be fun.

I tried to restrict my list to 10 things, but I really must include

11. Marshal by Jen Kingwell - the Quiltmania mystery quilt. 
I'm not going to let these pieces languish in the cupboard.  I have a plan in mind, and I want to finish this quilt in 2020.

12.  And the wedding quilt I have promised to make for some friends getting married in October.

So that's my list for 2020.  I don't expect to get them all finished in 2020, but these are the quilts that I will be working on.

What have you been up to lately?  Feel free to link up a recent blog post below and join in the Peacock Party.


Gretchen Weaver said...

You are going to be a very busy lady in 2020! They're all lovely projects! Happy stitching.

Marie said...

It looks like its going to be a fabulous year in your sewing world. I love all of the projects that you have on deck, particularly Stars Upon Stars. Santa was kind enough to give me the pattern book but I want to hand stitch it so I've also ordered the stamps and am impatiently waiting for the post. No paper piecing for me! I've only done EPP on one project - Anna Levins - (actually, I shouldn't say that in the past tense because it is very much still in the works) but I have to say that I much prefer hand stitching without the papers - it is much more liberating and moves along more quickly as well. I couldn't figure out how to get a nice clean edge from the hexies around my larger hexies so EPP it was, but its not my method of choice. Have a great year - looking forward to seeing all of these as the year moves along!

For the love of geese said...

Impressive list and stunning quilts. I wish I had your dedication for hand sewing and/or hand quilting. Thank you for the linky party.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I have the Stars upon Stars pattern and book but didn't know there were rubber stamps available - the cover inspired me to buy the book - good luck in making that one, I have no time this year but maybe next year - where did you get your stamps?

Quilting Babcia said...

That is an amazing array of ambitious projects! You are certainly going to be surrounded by glorious color all year. I love that you plan to hand quilt all of your quilts. That in itself is a real feat.

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

This post is such a visual treat for me! You have so many wonderful projects to work on throughout the year. Wishing you good luck with all of them.

Susan said...

Those are lovely projects, finished or not!

Rochelle aka Bella Quilts said...

What a comprehensive list. I think all of these quilts will be beautiful when completed. I love that you have plans the incorporate your goals of hand piecing and perhaps applique. I wonder how hard the new Millefiore quilt will be to hand piece? I always enjoy seeing your progress on your quilts.

Linda said...

Wendy, I love all your quilts. Beautiful colours, fabrics, gorgeous to look at.
Have fun completing them in 2020. Happy New Year.

Melva said...

Good luck in meeting your goals for 2020. That is a lot of hand quilting.
Great color palettes and patterns. Bright and cheery for sure.

Jenny said...

My goodness, thats a very impressive list! I'm sure you will achieve some big not most of your goals, but we all know that hand piecing and hand quilting is a slow process
Good luck, and we will all enjoy watching you stitch along

FlourishingPalms said...

I'm seeing lots of color in your priorities! And I like that word - priorities - much better than resolutions or goals. I posted my priorities too, and if they aren't finished in 2020, I'm okay with that. In 2020 I'm all about slowing down "quilt production," and making big quilts that can be used after being given away. Enjoy your colorful year!

audrey said...

Ballet turned out fantastic! You are an inspiration. Love so many of your projects and following along with your quilting adventures.:) Looks like some great projects on the lists too! The Leaf one looks wonderful!

Farm Quilter said...

I love looking at your quilts, but I know I would never even think of making anything like them!! You love your hand work and I love my machines!!! If I can't do it on my sewing machine or longarm, it just won't get done! You have some lofty goals for 2020 and I look forward to seeing you achieve every one of them!!

Julie said...

You certainly wont be bored at all this year Wendy. I've been eyeing up Don't Leaf Me also. We'll see if I get some wips finished, to allow me to to start something new later in the year

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

I just found your blog. I love your quilts. I just started my millefiori quilt over the weekend, so I’m especially interested in yours. You can bet I’ll be following you.

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Wow your 2020 is shaping up to be a very colourful year. You have so many beautiful quilts on the go and I look forward to hearing of your progress through the year.

Michelle said...

I really want to start stars Upon Stars as well. All those strips are daunting.