Friday, 29 November 2019

Anna Maria Horner (and the Peacock Party)

This week was so special.  I got to attend a lecture AND a class with Anna Maria Horner.

New Zealand really is a very long way away from all the quilting action in America, so when a quilting celebrity chooses to visit our country we all rejoice.

Anna Maria Horner with the quilt I made on her behalf

On Monday night I went to the lecture and heard about how Anna Maria journeyed from Art School to designing quilt fabrics.  Unlike many people who would give their right arm to be signed by Free Spirit Fabrics, Anna Maria didn't have to ask them to sign her - they invited her to design for them.

We heard about her design process, for both fabrics and quilts, and then we got to touch all the quilts and study them up close.

On Tuesday we had the class and had the option of making Anna Maria's Cross Country quilt in any of the three ways shown above.

They are all beautiful, but I chose the third option.

My initial layout as discussed with Anna Maria

My plan for the centre

Anna Maria talked about how she does applique and she gave some demos of her machine basting method.

It was a wonderful class, and I really hope that Anna Maria comes back to New Zealand again soon.  Thank you Busy Bee Quilt Shop for hosting the class.

Now it's time for the Peacock Party.  What have you been up to? Anything as exciting as a quilt class?


Karen's Korner said...

What a wonderful opportunity.

Connie said...

How marvelous for you and what amazing quilts. Thanks for sharing.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Wow, amazing class and great teacher! Love the quilt you made for her, and your study!

Marie said...

What a glorious pattern - it looks like you are off to a terrific start. Lucky, lucky, lucky you to spend some time with Anna Maria!

Melva said...

Your selections look great! Eye Candy! Have a great weekend.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Lots and lots of bright colors! Looks like it was a fun class! Have a great day!

Susan said...

Wow! Lucky you - looks like a great class!

Jenny M said...

What a highlight being able to attend her talk & class. Thanks for sharing the photos.

Bridie said...

The quilts look so stunning, I love the colour combinations.

audrey said...

What beautiful quilts. How wonderful to see them close up!:)