Friday, 2 August 2019

Suffrage in Stitches (and the Peacock Party)

What a busy week that was!  My parents arrived in the middle of a wintry storm on Wednesday afternoon.  On Thursday morning we went to Te Papa (our national museum) for a look around, and then on Thursday night mum and I attended the opening ceremony of Suffrage in Stitches.

Me with my panel behind my right shoulder

Mum's on the left, mine on the right
Some of you will remember my post about making a panel to honour my great grandmother who signed the women's suffrage petition in 1893.  Click here to read that earlier post.

All 546 panels were revealed last night when the exhibition opened.  All the makers had been invited, and there were some official speeches to mark the occasion before we were allowed in to view everyone's work. As you can see from this small sample of panels, each one was very unique and personalised.

The exhibition is on at Wellington Museum, Queen's wharf, until the end of August.  It will also be dispalyed at Auckland Symposium in October.

It was a privilege to be involved in such a major endeavour. Huge thanks to Caroline O'Reilly from Vinnies Re Sew for pulling it all together. 

So what have you been up to this week? Hopefully some of you will have been to the Festival of Quilts in the UK and will have some photos to share.  I'd love to get to that show one day.  Feel free to link up a recent blog post below.


Jenny said...

What a wonderful exhibition honouring such amazing women. Many congratulations to you and your Mum on your creative panels.

For the love of geese said...

I would love to have viewed all of them. Out of curiosity, were there panels from the US? Lucky you to be able to see such a vast collection in one place.

Marie said...

How wonderful - so many fabulous interpretations of the same theme. Almost as wonderful as your teenie tiny hexie name tag!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

what a wonderful display it must have been so fun to take part in this

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Wow how cool are all those pieces!!! And the history - oh wow!

Jayne said...

What an amazing exhibition! Its so much fun to see the history...thank you for sharing!

FlourishingPalms said...

I think you know already how happy I am for you (and your mum) to have participated in this wonderful display. You just have to be so very proud. It seldom happens that we know so much about our foremothers, and the legacy they've left for us. Congratulations on this lovely recognition!

Quilting Babcia said...

What a wonderful exhibition to celebrate women's history.