Friday, 14 June 2019

A tapestry cushion, a knitted scarf - and the Peacock Party

Well, I finally feel like I'm making some progress here.  I've finished the stitching on my tapestry, and am just choosing the fabric for the back of the cushion.

Fortunately I had a few Kaffe Fassett half yards in my stash! And I think this "Enchanted" is just perfect because it brings out the blues and the oranges.

This tapestry design is by Kim McLean Designs and is available exclusively through The Crewel Gobelin shop in Sydney, Australia.

I stitch my tapestry without a frame because it makes it more portable, and it would need stretching even I did use a frame.  The nature of tent stitch means that the canvas is all pulled in one direction.

I don't know if this cushion will end up sitting next to my Peacock at Sunset cushion of not, but it might work.

In more good news I've finished my Kaffe Fassett scarf. 

This scarf is very long (2.3 metres), but it's all worth it now that it's finished.  We're experiencing the cold, damp days of winter now, so I will get lots of wear from it.

Last weekend I gave a little talk to a local quilting guild - Coastal Quilters.  They wanted to hear about how I got in to quilting, so I took along some of my earlier quilts.  Here the are hanging on the racks after my talk had finished.  Everyone came up onto the stage for a good look during the tea break.

Each one of these quilts has a story behind it and it was interesting to revisit each one and give it some individual attention.

Now it's time for the Peacock Party.  What's everyone else been up to this week? Feel free to link up a recent blog post and let us know what you've been doing.


Gretchen Weaver said...

Your scarf looks lovely! I would have enjoyed hearing your talk at the guild. I'm impressed by anyone who counted cross stitches! Happy Stitching!

Elaine said...

I love your colourful tapestry cushions, I haven't done tapestry for years, I forgot how lovely it can be :)

FlourishingPalms said...

How nice to have two finishes this week - the pillow and the scarf. Such a good feeling of accomplishment, aren't they? I'm impressed by the large display of your quilts (and how nice that there was a place to hang them so everyone could take a closer look)! Have you ever counted how many quilts you have in your collection? I did so seven years ago, and believe me... it's sort of scary! Then, what to do with them becomes the issue. I hope you don't have a storage problem like I do! :-)

Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said...

That scarf is gorgeous Wendy! And so you with the colors!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Sew, sew colorful!!! Love the peacock, the scarf and of course, your quilts!!!

Kate @ Smiles From Kate said...

Beautiful scarf, I am so attracted to colour and this presses all my buttons. Your knitting, like your tent stitch, looks so neat and even. Congratulations on a double finish.

Sue said...

Lovely work Wendy...both your scarf and the cushion. They are both gorgeous. I love the way you organise your photos. Especially the one with the fabrics and the planter boxes. Do you usually buy 1/2 metre pieces? I've nothing for the Peacock Party. Still plugging away on my hand quilting.

Quilting Babcia said...

I love that scarf! The colors are gorgeous and it looks so soft and snuggly. Have a great weekend!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Wow! Tapestry, Scarf and a quilt show! I love the Sasiko. I want to work on a quilt this year - what is left! Heck June is almost over with!


Chris said...

Wow love that scarf, and the tapestry and all those quilts. gorgeous.

Created by Kathi said...

I love your cushion finish ... and your scarf is amazing!!! You are sew creative girl!
Have a wonderful week and thanks for sharing the hand quilting photos from the show you went to :)

Soma @ said...

Great display of quilts and your scarf is lovely. The cushions are amazing. I thought they were printed at first.
