Friday, 1 March 2019

Peacock Party

No travels this past weekend, but I am going on another adventure next weekend.

We have to be at our destination at 1pm, and it will take at least 4 hours to drive there, so we need to leave home at 8am to allow time for a coffee and a stop at a quilt shop.  Yes! I've negotiated a stop at a quilt shop before we've even left home.

So, what will I take with me for a weekend away?  I'll take my tapestry because it's easy to see in rooms with poor lighting.

I purchased this Kim McLean tapestry at the Sydney Quilt Show last year.  Kim is well know for her Glorious Applique quilt designs using Kaffe Fassett fabrics.  Now Kim has designed some gorgeous cushions and I'm enjoying making this one called Giraffes.

The kit came with DMC tapestry wool, and I"m doing tent stitch as recommended by Kim.  It gives great coverage and I'm really happy with how it's progressing. 

The kit even came with a lovely canvas carry bag so it's quite easy to put everything in the bag and take it on holiday.

I only started this in October last year, but I'm hoping to finish most of it before the 2019 Sydney Quilt Show in June.  Then I might be able to justify buying another kit because I love them all.  You can see the full range on the Crewel Gobelin website - they have exclusive rights to sell these designs, but they do post internationally.
It's lovely to see new people linking up to the Peacock Party each week.  Our little community is growing!
Feel free to link up a blog post showing what you've been working on recently.


FlourishingPalms said...

I'm smiling because I thought I would do handwork while at QuiltCon. Ha! I never pulled out a needle and thread! Still, I'm sure that if I hadn't taken it along, I would have wished I'd had it. Hope you have a nice time away. I'm glad to be at home again!

Genevieve Gerrard said...

The tree in that tapestry looks like a peacock tail! So totally appropriate for the party. Enjoy your continuing adventures!

Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said...

Lovely giraffe needlepoint you are working on Wendy. My very first job ever was working in a needlework shop where they sold needlepoint canvas, cross stitch, embroidery and crewel supplies. I love doing handwork too.

Sue said...

Its funny how we all do that...take work with us and usually never do it. Still, if you hadn't taken it you would have wanted it. Not going to Sydney this this stage anyway, but off to AQC in Melbourne in April. Love the cushions.