Friday, 29 March 2019

A new quilt - and the Peacock Party

Yes, I started a new quilt! I am trying to finish WIPs, but sometimes motivation comes from starting something new.  

I'm making the Shuttles quilt from Kaffe Fassett's Quilts in Morocco book. After my post a few weeks ago about possibly having too much Kaffe Fassett fabric, I thought I better cut into some of it and make something.

The Shuttles quilt is the one on the cover of Quilts in Morocco.  I'm making a few modifications to the pattern, one of which is keeping all the corners to one colour.  I'm using Kaffe's Aboriginal Dots in Chocolate Brown for the corners of each block.  I got that idea from this beautiful quilt in Kaffe's book, Quilts in Ireland.

I had seriously considered making Byzantine Lozenges, but I would have been tempted to hand sew it to avoid all those "Y" seams.  That means it would have taken me ages, so it's easier to just machine sew the Shuttles quilt and get a gorgeous new colourful quilt for my bed.  

I've already made about half the blocks for this quilt.  There are going to be repeated blocks, but I'm just making one of each at first to see what I need more of.  

Thank you everyone for all your kind words about my Bowl Me Over bag.  We have our quilt guild meeting tomorrow and I'm taking it along for its first outing. 

Now it's time for the Peacock Party - your chance to share what you've been working on lately.  Feel free to join up a recent blog post and discover some new quilters across the globe.


audrey said...

It's going to be a wonderful, wonderful looking quilt! And you're so right about starting something new sometimes motivating us to finish other things. Wish it worked that way every single time!

Cathy said...

Love those lozenges! You can't go wrong with KF fabric!

Gretchen Weaver said...

Your lozenges quilt is looking great, she's so pretty. I like your version better than Kaffe's.

Marly said...

That was a wise decision, using the same fabric for all the corners. I love all these bright fabrics, but you can have too much of a good thing! Your version is calmer than the original; I prefer it!

Quiltdivajulie said...

I did the BH lozenges quilt a few years ago with varying corner colors - I am seriously tempted to use your approach for an updated and scrappier version (letting the corners unify the colorful chaos).

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

those are pretty quilts you show - I'm surprised at how simply that quilt on the book cover is quilted - usually so much quilting is put in these quilts that it is more about the quilting and not the design of the quilt - on that one the pattern and fabrics is the focus and not the quilting which I really like!

Linda H said...

Oooooh, yummy! What's not to love about KF fabrics?! All that glorious colour!
Your Shuttles quilt is going to be fabulous. I cannot get KF fabrics locally, so it's always on my "To Look For" list when I travel. :)
Also, LOVE the KF quilt in your header photo - those are my colours. Be still my heart..

Quilting Babcia said...

I really like that you're using the one brown in the corners, it lets the vibrant prints really shine and gives the eye a brief resting place between. Just wonderful!

Shirley said...

I love the quilt you’re making. But the other one, Byzantine Lozenges, doesn’t have "Y" seams. Turn the photo of the quilt on the point and see how each block is a bright colored square with the two oppositie corners in black.

Sue said...

Another lovely quilt in the making Wendy. :-) I love the Peacock Party, as it makes me get on and write a blog post. I was even waiting this time on Friday! haha!

Nancy said...

What a bright, fun quilt this will be. I especially like the dark triangles you used on the corners. Thank you for hosting Peacock Party.

Mystic Quilter said...

Beautiful Shuttles and the the dark Aboriginal Dot really shows off the bright colours. KF has wonderful colours in his range of Aboriginal Dot fabric..