Friday 26 July 2024

Crazy Cutting Corners

I'm back! 

I haven't been away, but I've been super busy with work, cricket admin and quilt guild admin.  I've hardly had any time for sewing lately, but I decided to fix that this week and I finally made time to pick up my rotary cutter.  

I'd been thinking about using some of my Kaffe Fassett stripes so I browsed through some of my older Kaffe books and came upon this pattern from Kaffe Quilts Again (2012):

I only had the Marquee fabric in the lighter shades so mine looked like this:


some diamonds forming


and even more diamonds

I'm going to add a pieced border, but I don't have much of the Marquee stripe left so I'll have to use something else.  I'll be sure to post another photo when I've got the top together.  



Gretchen Weaver said...

This is really pretty, a wonderful quilt! My favorite arrangement is the last pictures. Happy stitching!

Mystic Quilter said...

Very effective use of the Marquee fabric, I have some tucked away somewhere, I think in two colourways.

Rebecca Grace said...

What a fun way to use those great stripes!