Friday, 19 March 2021

Everybody Wants to Rules the World

My quilt is finished and I've called it "Everybody Wants to Rule the World", after a favourite song by Tears for Fears. Click here for a trip down memory lane - or to hear something new.

The colours and stars in this quilt remind me of flags; the Union Jack from the UK, the Star-Spangled banner from the USA, and our own New Zealand Ensign. 

The USA and NZ both held elections last year, and the UK left the European Union, so "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" seems appropriate at this time.   

I machine quilted this quilt with both red and white Aurifil.  I didn't want white stitching showing on the red stars, and I didn't want red stitching showing on the centre blocks.  So I used both colours and I quilted alternating cross hatch patterns.  

This quilt is made from Willyne Hammerstein's Bont en Blauw pattern in Millefiori Quilts 4.  I hand pieced my quilt and used templates from  The also sell paper pieces for this quilt if you prefer to English Paper Piece.  There are only two shapes in the whole quilt.  The interest is generated by the use of colour.  

You can read my earlier posts on this quilt here:

I started this quilt in November, but as you can see from the top photo, it's not very big.  I made it as a sample so I could experiment with the pattern.  It could be a wall hanging, or a cot quilt.    

Finished size: 25" x 30"     64cm x 75cm

Now it's time for the Peacock Party.  What have you been up to this week?  Feel free to link up a recent blog post below:


Gretchen Weaver said...

This turned out so pretty! I had assumed you were going to be making a large quilt but making something small is a much faster finish. Have a great week with lots of happy stitching!

Karen said...

Your little quilt representing the countries is beautiful,Wendy! Blue and have always been my favorite colors!

mumbird3 said...

Gorgeous! Thank you for sharing! Perfect little quilt!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Oh Wendy your quilt is beautiful...such glorious blues made all the brighter by those pops of red! I am intrigued by it requiring only two shapes and can be EPP, which I would enjoy. THanks for sharing it all!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Wendy you do such beautiful work - I am now free from all the 13 months of dealing with 2020 and insurance issues. Maybe I can start producing again! Have a great week-end! Hugs

PaintedThread said...

Wow - I LOVE how that looks! What a great finish!

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

I love the fussy cut center fabrics and how you laid it all out with the color shift. Just lovely.

Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said...

Another beauty!

Linda Steele said...

You're a speedy at sewing, always had a soft spot for blue and red, they were the first patchwork fabrics I ever bought, never actually used them though!

Chantal said...

That is quite an awesome quilt but to see how small it is, is mindblowing! Congratulations on this mini-masterpiece. Bravo! ;^)

greeneggs said...

That is gorgeous! You chose such a great fabric, one that I would not associate with epp.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! What a lovely piece.


Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Hi Wendy, it's such a beautiful quilt. Your fussy cutting has made this quilt extra special.

Kris said...

So much work and such a beauty!