Friday, 11 September 2020

Turkish Coffee quilt

This week I've been working on my Turkish Coffee quilt from Quilts in Burano by Kaffe Fassett.  And watching the US Open of course.  It's really weird with no spectators, but I'm getting used to it, and at least it's keeping everyone involved free from COVID.  The French Open (rescheduled to start on 21 September) is going to allow some spectators so that will be interesting.  

There are so many lovely quilts in Quilts in Burano.  Free Spirit Fabrics are running a competition called "Say Yes to Kaffe Collective" and encouraging people to make quilts from Quilts in Burano in different colourways.  All the details are here.  

I'm hoping to enter my Turkish Coffee quilt into the online competition so I'm not going to post any full photos until it's finished.  But here are some progress shots:

It's a great quilt for using up bits and pieces left over from other quilts.  I've used the brown Aboriginal Dots that I used for the background in my Shuttles quilt:


And some spots from You Spin Me Round:

You Spin Me Round

My local quilt shop didn't have enough of the orange Millefiori so I've added some yellow Fans because it was the closest thing I had.  I think the background blocks are scrappy enough that you won't notice the different fabric - I've tried to spread it around randomly.  It's alway fun watching a new quilt come together.  

Now it's time for the Peacock Party.  Feel free to link up a recent blog post below.  Thank you everyone who continues to link up week after week.  


Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Beautiful Quilts, Wendy! I'm using some of the same Kaffe prints in my Easy Hexagon Star quilt. I'm finding the colours so joyful to work with. said...

Gorgeous quilt!! I love the kaffe colors and mixture of designs. The quilt jumps out at you!!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I made one Kaffe quilt, but the fabric is just too busy for me. Yours is very pretty! I tend to have issues with quilts that are so busy, but it is because of Meniere's. But I do enjoy looking at other's who can make them - this one will be pretty!

Melva said...

Such bright, bold colors. I tend to stay away from such prints because they scare me. But they look so fun and scrappy. I really need to get over my fear. Blessings,

Anonymous said...

The fabrics in your Turkish Coffee quilts are gorgeous! And the two quilts you shared in this post are amazing! I will be pinning this!


Gretchen Weaver said...

Love what you show of the new quilt, she'll be another beauty! Happy stitching!

cityquilter grace said...

all gorgeous of course but i'd say shuttles is a favorite..