Friday, 27 December 2019

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

2019 is almost over.  I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas with family and friends.  We certainly did here.

I cleared my sewing table in the family room and we put the presents on the table, rather than under the tree this year.

I got 3 new Mill Hill Santas to join the one I've already made.  I love making these little decorations and they look so good on the tree.  Here are some other Mill Hill kits I've made in previous years.

I gave mum some of the new Land Art fabric by Odile Bailloeul to make a Catch All Caddy by Patterns by Annie.  Later today we will find some soft and stable in my stash and mum will be ready to start when she gets back to her house in Auckland.

I received the wonderful Endless Summer quilt kit by Anna Maria Horner.  I just loved this quilt when I saw it in real life during Anna Maria Horner's trunk show in Wellington.  When I saw The Patchwork Pear in Australia advertising the kit, I ordered it for myself for Christmas.

I love those framed images that Monika Forsberg has created in this fabric.

I hope you all received lovely gifts too.  Feel free to link up to the Peacock Party and share how your Christmas Day went.


Cathy said...

I just love your ornaments.

Our tree only holds homemade or gifted ornaments. I used to make different ornaments every year with my kids until they graduated high school. When they set up their own homes I gave them some of the ornaments they made for their trees. Then the tradition started all over with grandkids. Tree decorating evokes a lot of memories.

Happy New Year!

FlourishingPalms said...

I didn't receive any presents, but I'm okay with that. I don't need anything. I only miss spending time with family which was the case this year. It can be a difficult season for some of us. Your presents and decorations look beautiful! And I'm happy for you to receive the things you want. How lovely that your mother could be with you, and you know her so well to realize how much she'd enjoy that Catchall Caddy "kit." Enjoy your 'tween week, and have fun sewing!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Your beaded ornaments are beautiful! So nice you're adding a few every year. And I really like the fabric you gave your mom! Perfect for the catch-all caddy. Merry Christmas, Wendy, and happy rest of the year!!!!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Pretty ornaments! Happy New year ;)

Farm Quilter said...

Your ornaments are beautiful!! I love handmade ornaments on a tree! Your mom is very lucky to have you as a daughter...great gift! How do I follow the links for the Peacock Party? I click on the pictures, but go nowhere.

Julie said...

All the best for 2020. May it be as productive and continually inspiring and creative as this year has been,

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Wendy, those are such pretty ornaments. Happy New Year!