Friday 9 December 2016

Gingerbread Quilt Shop

I've just realised that I never blogged about my Gingerbread Quilt Shop.  I finished it back in March but must have been too busy to blog about it.  This is another building in the Gingerbread Village designed by Thea Dueck of The Victoria Sampler in Canada.  Aren't these patterns just exquisite!

The quilt shop took me three months to stitch and finish. I loved stitching the quilts onto the walls of the quilt shop.  The beads and buttons really add to the character of this village, so I always buy the accessory kits when I buy the patterns.  That way I get the same floss colours, and all the cute buttons.

All the details about my village, plus where to buy the patterns and fabric, on the Gingerbread Village tab at the top of my blog.  Or you can just click here.

I always add my name and date to the bottom of each cottage.


Michele Hill said...

Another beauty Wendy - well to start these but I need more hours in the day....... but maybe I would get nothing else done!! Hugs from across the ditch x

margaret said...

what a delight your quilt shop is the whole village is coming together so well

Barb said...

stunning! The details are so lovely wow

Rochelle aka Bella Quilts said...

It is wonderful to see your village grow. I do like the beads...they add dimension. I can see you enjoy making each of these. Thanks for sharing.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Well, I have no words....other than...SPECTACULAR! But I think about everything you put your hand to turns out in that arena :)

Sue said...

They are all so lovely Wendy. You do such beautiful work. A pleasure to read your blog! :-)

Katie said...

I love them! Just gorgeous. :-)

Anonymous said...

oh they are just so beautifully made! love your little village :)

Angie in SoCal said...

Oh so darling gingerbread village. I'm so glad you linked up at Crazy Mom's so I could see these. Adorable.

Von said...

Wendy you've done an amazing job on your little VS Gingerbread Village!

Granny Maud's Girl said...

I am not surprised that it took three months to stitch, but I am surprised that you managed to finish so many other things too!

NickiJ said...

All I can say is "wow" and sit back and admire your beautiful work.