Friday, 25 January 2019

A short holiday and the Peacock Party

I'm just back home from a lovely five nights in Queenstown with my family.

I took along my Ballet with Kaffe quilt, but didn't get very much done.  We were too busy out exploring each day.

We walked around the base of the Botanic Gardens.

We went to Arrowtown and looked in all the touristy shops.

We went to Milford Sound and were amazed by all the waterfalls.

And sometimes we just relaxed in our apartment and enjoyed the views. 

It's time for another Peacock Party, but first I have to remind you about the big giveaway I'm planning for this weekend.  I've been blogging for five years now, so it's time to celebrate.  Be sure to check back over the weekend to find out how to enter.  The giveaway will be open for four days so there's plenty of time to enter.  

Now, what's everyone been up to? Sewing up a storm in a blizzard in North America? Or sweltering under the air conditioning in Australia?  

Feel free to link up a recent blog post and let us all know what you've been up to. 



Cathy said...

Looks like a wonderful place to explore and a nice holiday.

Cathy Melancon said...

Wendy, your country is beautiful with so many sights to see! Your pictures are great! Glad you got to get away. Your ballet quilt is coming along! Gorgeous!!

FlourishingPalms said...

It's so great to see pictures of your country! You know how much I loved visiting New Zealand several years ago, so it's wonderful to see your pictures of it. How nice that you have family to stay with when you go to Queenstown! I'm looking forward to our blog posts tomorrow. Mine is looking better! :-)

Quilting Babcia said...

What a beautiful country! I love your Ballet quilt, looking forward to seeing its progress.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Nice place to re-charge. You actually took stitching WITH you? LOL
Blogging for 5 years. I think I have followed you most of that time.
xx, Carol