Friday, 28 December 2018

My Gnomes - and the Peacock Party link up

I finished my Gnome quilt in time to give it to my mum and dad for Christmas. They laughed, and thought it was a good representation of themselves.

It was fun to make the quilt in fabrics similar to what they wear when they are gardening.

I had it quilted by Sue Burnett of Busy Bee Quilt Shop in Wellington.

The pattern is Norm and Nanette by Elizabeth Hartman.  Although you can download it in pdf, I'd recommend buying the printed version like I did, because the pattern is 24 pages.  Many local quilt shops are stocking Elizabeth Hartman's patterns now.

photo from Elizabeth Hartman's website

The pattern gives instructions for the full sized quilt above, and also the small lap quilt that I made.
The large quilt is 68" x 76"
and the small quilt is 30" x 36"

We've been outdoors enjoying summer this week.

Here are a couple of photos of a beautiful Pohutukawa tree in my neighbourhood.  These trees are flowering all around the coast of the North Island of New Zealand at the moment.

Now, it's time for the Peacock Party.  Thank you to everyone who has been linking up.  It's great to discover new bloggers and read what other quilters have been making. Feel free to link up and share your latest creations.


Sarah said...

That is such a cute quilt. I do like her patterns!

Cathy said...

Those gnomes are so cute! I have some in my garden but don't have any on a quilt....yet!

Sue said...

A funny fun quilt for your Mum & Dad, Wendy.
I have managed to put my blog on, but can you tell me/us how to choose the photo you want displayed? Thanks for organising this blog party. Makes me get on and post something. :-)

FlourishingPalms said...

Just darling gnomes! I hope your parents find the perfect spot to hang it, where it makes them smile every day. Also, those blooming bushes are gorgeous! I've never seen this flora before. You have the most lovely and unusual vegetation in NZ. Thanks for hosting the link-up. Gosh, these Peacock Parties come around so quickly! :-)

Elaine said...

I love your gnome quilt! That is so much fun :) I just bought a FQ of gnome fabric to fussy cut for the gardens in Sarah's 2019 BOM

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

lost your blog on my reader for some reason and just got around to searching for it again - love your gnomes!