Friday, 8 April 2022


 My Smøyg is finished and framed and hanging on the wall.  

The framer suggested that we put a hint of red in the framing, and I'm really happy that we did.

It's hard to get a good photo because it's more than a metre (or yard) long. But here's some close ups from before it was framed.


Smøyg is stitched up and down the fabric rather than across the fabric like most other forms of embroidery.  There's a lot of counting involved, and being off by one hole upsets the whole design.  

I bought the Smøyg book and kit for this table runner from Yvette Stanton of Vetty Creations at the Sydney Quilt Show in 2018.  I didn't start stitching until March 2019, and then I worked on it on and off until I finished it in October 2021.  I actually had it hanging on the wall before Christmas 2021, but it's taken me a while to blog about it.  

I enjoyed using all of the different types of threads and seeing the patterns emerge.  It was also interesting to read about the history of this type of embroidery.  Yvette always does a lot of research for her books, and she included instructions for left and right handed stitchers in this book. 

I have another little Smøyg kit from the book in my stash, and I might get on to that one day soon. 

Now it's time for the Peacock Party.  Feel free to link up a recent blog post below.  



Cathy said...

Interesting. There are so many different types of embroidery.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that stitching is fantastic - and the framer did a great job too

Susie H said...

I just ordered the book! I am SO excited to try this and already know where I want to hang the runner. Being 65% Scandinavian, this is right up my alley.

JustGail said...

Your Smøyg is gorgeous! And the kit comes in a box? That's so much cooler than stuffed in plastic baggies.

Chris said...

That Smøyg is amazing and beautiful, how clever you are.

FlourishingPalms said...

Oh my goodness! You did it! You finished it, just as you will finish your pandemic stitchery, I'm sure. Well I sure love the color in this Smøyg and the framing is wonderful! Surely with a piece like this you have the option of hanging it vertically or horizontally. Which did you choose? I bet it's beautiful on the wall. Such a great reminder to future generations of the needlework skills you possess. I hope you labeled it well, with the start/end months and year, your location, name, etc. It's heirloom-worthy!

Carol said...

Wow! That looks wonderful, Wendy. I have never hear of Smøyg before, but it is very pretty and looks wonderful in that long frame. The hint of red in the frame is perfect! Congratulations!

Soma @ said...

It looks so beautiful. The framer did a great job too, I like that little touch of red very much.
