Friday, 27 November 2020

A Wedding Quilt

A few weeks ago we went to a wedding.  Yes, we're lucky in New Zealand and we're allowed to have weddings and dancing.

I decided to make a quilt for the happy couple.  I showed them four different options and asked what colours they like.  They chose the Donuts quilt designed by Amanda Jean Nyberg from her book No Scraps left Behind.  You may know Amanda Jean from her long running blog Crazy Mom Quilts

As for colours - it didn't really matter because the bride and groom had chosen a pattern with lots of colours in it.  So I looked in my stash and found plenty of colourful fabrics with large motifs. 

You'll see that I modifed the layout to make this quilt square.  I also added a border with some of Jen Kingwell's Lollies fabrics.  I'd seen the Lollies used as a border on a quilt at Amitie Textiles, and thought this would be a good time to use some of the strips that I had.   

I used a lot of different fabrics in this quilt.  The large blocks meant that I could use some my favourite fabrics with large motifs.  

I pieced the back from my stash!!! There are so many beauties in here.  I particularly like the yoga girls, but there really is something for everyone on the back.  

I had this Donuts quilt quilted by Rayna Clinton of Tui Song Quilting in Wainuiomata.  Rayna did a great job and I was really happy with her quilting.  

The happy couple were delighted with the quilt.  I wanted it to be versatile and used, not kept as a museum piece, so they can use it on the bed, on the sofa or even on a picnic.  

Now it's time for the Peacock Party.  What have you been up to this week? Feel free to share a recent blog post below.


Anorina @SameliasMum said...

I love your quilt back as much as I love the quilt front. What a wonderful wedding gift which I'm sure the recipients will cherish for always.

Gretchen Weaver said...

Very nice quilt! I haven't made any patterns from Amanda Jeans book but they sure are fun to look at. The back of the quilt is as just as pretty as the front. Happy stitching!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Beautiful wedding quilt! I have this book too ;)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! And I dare say the back is nearly as pretty the front.


Sue said...

Gorgeous Wendy, back & front!

Barb N said...

I was really into the fabrics you've used in the design on the front, but then as I scrolled through your post and saw the back - wow! But then I remembered who's post I was reading, and all those colorful fabrics from the 'stash' didn't surprise me at all. It's a wonderful quilt and I'm certain will be used for a long time to come!

Celine said...

Wow what a beautiful quilt, back and front!

FlourishingPalms said...

You sure SEEMED to whip that one up quickly! Amanda Jean's book is so good (I own it too) and is a great one to reference when needing to use scraps. You sure made it special for the couple (yes, we're all trying not to be jealous that Kiwis can gathering for ANYTHING!), and the use of your fabric chunks on the back is fantastic. They'll spend lots of time looking at all the pieces. It's a perfect wedding gift quilt. Good for you!

Susan said...

And even better is the fact it is double sided! I’m sure the happy couple will enjoy your precious gift for a long, long time!