Friday, 8 May 2020

My quickest quilt top ever

As I played around with my Marshal Mystery Quilt blocks last week, I came to the realisation that I would be better off making two quilts, rather than trying to combine all the blocks into one quilt.

I liked the idea of combining the small square blocks into rows or columns, so I looked in my stash for something that I could use as a background fabric.  Spurred on by people who say tell me that I'm so bold with my fabric choices, I used this Michael Millar fabric that's been in my stash for more than five years.  It's very bright, but maybe a young person will love it one day.

I sewed my 4" blocks into rows and bordered them with some black Grunge fabric that I also had in my stash.

I then fussy cut the hexie fabric so that there were two full hexagons width in each column.

It's off getting basted now because I'm going to hand quilt it.

So, I made a quilt top in four days!!! That's incredible for me.  I know the blocks were already made, and the background is just long strips, but it's still very good going for me because I normally spend weeks or months on each quilt that I make.

The other Marshal blocks are back in a box with the Lollies fabric.  I feel good that I've used half of the Marshal blocks, so will just let the remainder rest for a while.

What have you been up to this week? Feel free to join the Peacock Party by linking up a recent blog post below.


Marly said...

Congratulations Wendy on finding an inventive solution to last week's problem, and so fast!

Gretchen Weaver said...

Those blocks look perfect in your fast quilt! The black just makes everything pop. The background strips for the 2nd quilt look so nice, can't wait to see this one in a flimsy too. Please don't wait too long to finish. Happy stitching!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Wow! I call it the most colorful quilt top ever!!! Love the hexie fabric with vertical rows of fun blocks. The grey grunge is a perfect divider. Wonderful! Happy!

FlourishingPalms said...

Yes, a four-day quilt top IS incredible for you! Still, you're making it a lot more work by hand quilting it, so I guess you're making up for the starting quickness. Ha, ha, ha. It has fun bright colors, for sure, and it's fantastic that you worked it up from stash. That's what I'm all about these days too. Though, I've been working mostly with scraps, and those don't seem to reduce as much or as quickly. Keep makin'. You're doing great!

Susan said...

I like how you used up the other blocks - looks really good

quiltingbydawn said...

Wow! Two very cheerful quilts that will surely bring some cheer!

Chris said...

What vibrant colours and whew fast work..

audrey said...

Wow! What a fantastic looking quilt! Such a happy, happy vibe to it.:)

Unknown said...

Beautiful colorful bright lovely. Amazing work wendy

Granny Maud's Girl said...

I love the hexie fabric too. I’ve never seen that print, but it is fabulous and works really well with the blocks.
I was wondering how you did the circle blocks in such speed until I read further! As a naturally slow sewer, I am still impressed with the speed.
It must be the season for lost blocks. I’ve dug a batch out of the cupboard too and am determined to make something with them.

Marie said...

What a great idea Wendy! Your quilt brings out the best in both your blocks and your backing fabric. Love it!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Nice work, Wendy. LOVE your creative solution!!