Friday 28 June 2024

Kokomo (Stars Upon Stars)

Where do I even begin to describe my happiness with how this quilt has turned out?

I'm thrilled with it and I'm not going to let it out of my sight.  I've even considered sewing an Apple AirTag into it so if it goes missing I can track it down! I've spent so many hours making this quilt but I've enjoyed them all. 

I started this quilt back in January 2020.  I've spent four years working on it in the background.  I haven't once put it on social media or even shown my friends.  I knew it was going to take a long time and I just wanted to enjoy the process and take my time with it. 

There's so much to say about my Kokomo that I am going to break it down into a series of blog posts and then link to them all from a new tab at the top of the page. I will cover:

- my fabric selections (Tula Pink Zuma range mainly)

- planning the colours

- assembly - I hand pieced it all

- hand quilting - and then I hand quilted it all. 

But firstly, the name. 

I've called my quilt Kokomo because it reminds me of that fictional place in the song by the Beach Boys (made famous in the movie "Cocktail", starring Tom Cruise).  

Aruba, Jamaica, ooh, I wanna take ya
Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego
Baby, why don't we go?
Off the Florida Keys
There's a place called Kokomo
That's where you wanna go
To get away from it all

Back in 1988 when the movie "Cocktail" was released, and "Kokomo" was racing up the charts in New Zealand, I went on a four week work trip to the Cook Islands.  The cruisy songs from "Cocktail" were on the radio everywhere we went in Rarotonga.  We even thought that "Don't Worry, Be Happy" was a Cook Island song and were surprised to hear it on the radio in New Zealand when we got back.  That movie soundtrack was always playing in the background as we swam in the pool and Muri lagoon each day after work.

The sea glass colours in my quilt remind me of the sparkling waters of tropical lagoons and beaches.

I'll be back in coming weeks to explain more about how I made my quilt and all the thinking that went in to achieving my super special quilt. 

I'm so happy to finally be able to talk about it and share it with everyone. 


Gretchen Weaver said...

All I can say is WOW! Kokomo is a true beauty and I don't blame you about not wanting to let it out of your sight!

PaintedThread said...

Wow, that is magnificent! The colors. And the piecing. I zoomed in on one of the pictures just to get a better view of all the pieces. So neatly done, too. I can see why you never want it out of your sight. Congrats!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it looks terrific - is that pattern by Edyta Sitar? it looks like one I have thought of making from a book of hers but have not

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Wow, that quilt is so spectacular! The colors, the design, everything about it! I cannot even imagine making that many stars with so many little pieces. Congratulations for sticking with it and getting it finished. I think the idea of Sewing an Apple Air Tag into it is spot on to never lose its location.

Denice Barker said...

You have every right to be extra proud of this quilt! It's stunning

Robin said...

What a breathtaking quilt. I've hand pieced and hand quilted a few of my quilts so I can understand what time, planning, dreaming, and just plain working on this quilt must have taken. This is a "shout it from the rooftops" quilt. Simply wonderful.

Michele in Harrisburg said...

Wow!! This is spectacular! I would sew two Apple Air tags on it. Just in case...😂

Marie said...

Oh Wendy! Little wonder that you are smiling from ear to ear - your quilt is a stunner. I've had this one on my list too but for some reason I'm having a hard time taking the plunge. Think it's time to give myself a good talking to. LUV.

Mystic Quilter said...

Stunning quilt Wendy!! No wonder it's not leaving your place, and thanks for sharing the story and the music. I have the fabric ready for a quilt symbolising my trip here to New Zealand through Suez and he return through Panama, we visited Bermuda and Jamaica and Miami, also Tahiti. IU have a design in mind already and your story of the quilt has me inspired anew.

FlourishingPalms said...

It is indeed wonderful, Wendy! I'm terribly impressed with your color choices (I'm not fond of Tula Pink fabrics, but you've showed me how beautiful they can look), and your precision assembly. This must certainly be a pattern. Well, it's one I would never tackle, but gosh, you've made it shine. It's a ribbon-winner in my book, so I hope you plan to enter it into several shows. It's definitely very special and you have every right to be proud of it. Excellent work!

Pandy said...

What a beautiful quilt. When I read you had used Tula fabrics, I knew why I especially like the colors. I’m a Tula fan and love the colors she uses. I think your idea of sewing an apple AirTag into the quilt is a good one. Keep on quilting! Pandy

Rebecca Grace said...

WENDY!!!!!!! How on earth did you manage to keep this project under wraps for so long? Absolutely stunning, so original and exuberant and glorious in every way. No, I still haven't started my version but I absolutely adore yours and I'm going to savor each and every one of your blog posts detailing your journey.