It's the start of a new year, so its' time to think about what I'd like to make in 2021.
In the second half of 2020 I rediscovered my love of cross stitch, so I definitely want to include some embroidery projects in my 2021 list.
Lets start with the exciting new ideas running around in my head:
1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e...... Millefiori Quilts Book 4 by Willyne Hammerstein
There are so many beautiful quilts in Willyne's latest book. I've purchased the hand piecing templates for six of them!! I'm not going to make six full sized hand pieced quilts, but I do want to have a play with the templates and start to make my own versions of some of these quilts.
2. Topsy by Sheila Christensen
Sometimes I just need a change and I like to sew something straight forward on my machine. This year I'd like to make the Topsy pattern by my good friend, Sheila Christensen.
Now for the quilts that I've already started and would like to finish in 2021:
3. Cross Country by Anna Maria Horner
I'm keen to pull this one out and see what still needs to be done. I'd like to hand quilt it myself with Aurifil 12wt.
4. Ballet with Kaffe by Willyne Hammerstein
It's all ready for hand quilting. I just need to start. And finish.
5. Neptune and the Mermaid by Wendy Whellum
I'm half way through quilting this one, so it should definitely be finished in 2021.
Just one block |
6. Prizegiving Quilt
This is an oldie that's been hanging around for a few years now. I've never shown a full picture because I might enter it into an exhibition.
Now I'm going to add a few embroidery projects that I'd like to finish in 2021.
7. Smoyg by Yvette Stanton
This has been on the go for a while. I picked it up again recently and discovered there's really not much more required to finish all the stitching. This is Norwegian pattern darning - not cross stitch.
8. Pandemic Sampler by Long Dog Samplers
I'm committed to finishing this one in 2021.
9. Gingerbread Flower Shop by Victoria Sampler
I've finished the front, one roof panel, and started one side. I'm about 35% done I think.
So that's nine things on my list. As usual, I don't stick with one until it's finished, but rather jump around and do a bit on each of them when I get inspired. Most of them get finished in the end.
I think my biggest pledge for 2021 will be to resist starting any mystery quilt alongs or stitch alongs (cross stitch).