
Friday 26 April 2024

Licorice Allsorts...again

Do you remember my Licorice Allsorts block of the month designed by Wendy Williams?

I barely remember it myself because it's been so long since I worked on it.

But last Saturday I made a quick trip to Auckland to support my mum for a few days.  As I was throwing a few things in a suitcase I suddenly remembered that she had asked for my help with some of the trickier blocks in this quilt. 

When I first saw this block of the month advertised at Material Obsession in 2021 I knew that we would both enjoy making it, so we both signed up.  Mum has finished all of the embroidered blocks but was struggling a bit with piecing the blocks due to the half square triangles and flying geese.   

By the time that I left Auckland I had trimmed and joined all of the blocks above and mum was so please to see it coming together.  She didn't want to give up on it, so was very happy to have some help in getting it together.  

Now I've bought the remaining blocks home and am going to join it all up for her.  Fortunately she's agreed to some modifications which will make the piecing easier.  Then I'll just post it back and she can do her own hand quilting.  

We even bought a lovely wide back for it and ordered some batting online. 

my finished quilt top - photo taken April 2023

It's only two weeks until Capital Quilters Exhibition at the Lower Hutt Events Centre.  Hopefully I'll see some of you there if you live close enough.  I've been working on my quilts and am looking forward to sharing them on my blog after the exhibition.  


  1. I'm sure your mother is thrilled to have your help finishing this lovely quilt top. It's nice she's still able to hand quilt, happy stitching!

  2. That is truly a beautiful quilt. It must have been wonderful for her to have your help. Her embroidery is beautiful. Being able to complete this quilt will certainly make her happy. Wish I was going to your quilt show!!


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