
Tuesday 2 December 2014

A Finish - at last

At last I have a finish to share. Some of you might not consider finishing a quilt top a true finish, but I do.

I usually take a break between finishing a quilt top and quilting it. I like to think about what I'm going to use for the backing and how I'm going to quilt it.

I'm still not sure if I'll machine or hand quilt this one. I haven't done any hand quilting for a while, so it might be time for another hand quilting project. Unlike my friends in Perth, I don't need to worry about it being too hot to hand quilt in summer in Wellington!

This could be my first project for 2015 Finish along, which Adrienne from On the Windy Side is going to be hosting next year.

This quilt pattern was designed by Chrissy of Sew Lux and released by Clover and Violet. It's still available on their blog if you would like to try it too.

And yes, I've changed my blog header to be more festive. If you're a newish follower and don't know about my Gingerbread Village, you can read all about it in this post. I'll post some more photos of my hand made Christmas decorations over the coming weeks.


  1. do you have cool summers in Wellington? are you in the mountains? the quilt is nice and would look good hand quilted

  2. Love your gingerbread header, so cute!

  3. Congratulations on the finish - I definitely count a pieced top as a finish! Your colors are a lot of fun in this top, and it will be fun to see how you decide to quilt it.

  4. quilt looks great love the yellow with the turquoise, hand quilting sounds a good ieda, nice way to relax in the evening quilting it.

    Good to see the gingerbread heading back for Christmas

  5. Your quilt is gorgeous! I had just been trying to envision a traditional quilt of many borders in more modern colors and your quilt just really helped me do that, so thanks! I think I would like to do that quilt I saw now since I can envision it better :). Your gingerbread village is amazing, too. It's so delicate and detailed. I look forward to seeing more of your ornaments!

    1. Thank you very much. You are a no reply blogger so I can't email you back sorry.

  6. This mini quilt has such cheery colours, and I love the outside border so much that I may find a way to attach it to a possum quilt.
    I count quilt tops as finishes. I also have been known to count nasty fiddly little blocks.
    Would you believe that summer is often my most productive time? I get a lot of sewing done in the weeks when it is too hot to go outside! We just hunker down in the aircon!

  7. Now aren't you glad you decided to pick that up last week instead of just walking past it to the TV? It is looking very pretty. Love your little gingerbread village. Very Christmassy.

  8. I am sure whatever backing and quilting you choose--it will be beautiful. Your header is great!!!

  9. The quilt top turned out beautifully Wendy and no doubt the finishing etc will be just as nice. Great seasonal header - look at that little village :)

  10. it's fabulous Wendy! Such a great choice of colours.

  11. gorgeous. I love handquilting but never do it as it takes too long

  12. Love your christmas header - looks fantastic! Congrats on the quilt top - i have 2 in line for hand quilting and not yet started! Definitely 2015 goals.

  13. This definitely a finish! It is also beautiful.

  14. Very pretty! Great choice of colors together!

  15. Your quilt is beautiful, but yes, I was distracted by the gingerbread village. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your decorations.

  16. I like the quilt (medallion quilts are fun to make and to look at) and the village.

  17. oh yum, just stunning Wendy.

  18. Your quilt is beautiful... love the colors! And your Gingerbread Cottages are too cute!

  19. I think a quilt top qualifies as a finish! It's Part One of the project! I plan to join Adrienne's FAL as well, will keep me motivated to finish things! Your Gingerbread village is amazing.

  20. Beautiful colors! And yes, I do consider a quilt top a finish!

  21. Definitely a finish - it's gorgeous - the last border is a great way to finish it off. Thanks for the info about Adrienne's finishalong... it may be what I am looking for!

  22. The colors in this are wonderful. I think it would be fun to hand quilt because I'd enjoy seeing those colors close up every day! I love your gingerbread village, too!

  23. Love the colours in this quilt. Great finish. And you're right, you cannot rely on it being cool enough to hand quilt in summer in Australia! We had a really hot period in January when I had to move the sewing machine into the dining room where it was air conditioned, just so I could use it!

  24. Tehe hand quilting is a breeze in Perth ... we just sit under an A/C with our feet in an ice bucket ... no worries!


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