
Wednesday 15 October 2014

Your Place or Mine? - month 9

On Friday I pulled out my Your Place or Mine? quilt. I've decided to make it my goal to get the quilt top finished before the end of the year. I've looked back and the last time I posted about this was in June. Of course, I've done many other things since then, but it's now risen to the top of the pile again. I laid it out on the kitchen floor to see where I'm up to.

Your Place or Mine as at 12 October 2014

Over the weekend I managed to finish month 9's panel and I love it.

Month 9

There were 10 months in this BOM, so I'm now working on the final month - month 10.

Month 10 in progress

Besides finishing the hand stitching on the applique panel, I also have to run up 3 more corner blocks yet. They are cut out and sewn into strips, I just need a day to put them all together.

Then I need to sew the corners on and the borders (Kaffe Fassett fabric) and the top will be done. I haven't really thought about how I'm going to quilt it yet. I'd quite like to hand quilt it because then it will all be my own work, but I'm also considering sending it to a local long arm quilter.

And in my spare time (cough, cough) I've been working on this embroidery by Northern Expressions Needlework. It's called Celtic Snow and I love it too. No wonder I'm usually only getting in to bed at midnight these days.

Celtic Snow by Norther Expressions Needlework

I'm linking up with Lee from Freshly Pieced. Gemma at Pretty BobbinsSarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Amanda Jean at Crazy Mom Quilts


  1. No words for how much I like this!

  2. Both projects are gorgeous! That's a clever stripey fabric you have used throughout the Home quilt.

  3. Both of these projects look amazing.Your place or Mine? looks overwhelming until broken down into a month by month project, then it looks to be a fun project.

  4. I really like how Your Place or Mine is coming together! The corner piece really pulls all the colors together so well. And your embroidery is gorgeous. :)

  5. This quilt is absolutely lovely! Are you using wool/acrylic felt or pure wool?

  6. the quilt is a real beauty, so mcu to see and admire here. Great piece pf embroidery too

  7. Wow, so much work! I love how bright and sunny it is.

  8. Well isn't this just the happiest quilt!? Looking forward to seeing your finished quilt.

  9. Hi Wendy! Popping over from Freshly Pieced. I must say that I am absolutely in love with your "Your place or Mine?"! those felt shapes are so lovely and your needle work make them pop even more. Fantastic job. I am looking forward to seeing the finished quilt!

  10. Your Place or Mine is just amazing! The pattern, colors, and intricacy...I just love it. Celtic Snow is gorgeous as well! :)


  12. As so much is hand pieced, it lends itself to hand quilting, if you feel you have the time. It is so pretty!

  13. I loved seeing a bit of the process of how you work on your "Your Place or Mine Quilt". Your workmanship is excellent and in a way it would be a petty to quilt over it by machine. But of course I can understand that there are only that many hours in a day! But whatever you decide, it will be a heirloom quilt.

  14. How cute are those little ladybirds?? VERY! You'll definitely get this finished now that you've set your mind to it :)

  15. i love that quilt…you are doing an amazing job on i…well done

  16. you actually have spare time? lol what an amazing quilt. just beautiful Wendy.

  17. This is gorgeous Wendy! I am so in love with this! xo jan

  18. I absolutely love this quilt, so it's great to see you working on it again. the cross stitch is pretty too.

  19. Oh Wendy, truly a masterpiece! I LOVE how this is turning out - very inspiring :) Fun to see this section arranged on your worktable. Looks to me as if you will make your deadline for the end of the year. Hugs, L.

  20. Wow! I've never seen anything like this. Your work is fantastic. Where did you purchase your pattern/kit? I will be going to the International Quilt Festival in Houston, TX soon and would love to look for something like yours.

    1. Hi Casandra. Unfortunately you are a No Reply Blogger so I'll answer here for you. The pattern is by Wendy Williams of Flying Fish Kits. Wendy works with Kathy Doughty at Material Obsession in Sydney, Australia. I know Kathy is going to the Quilt Market in Texas, but they don't sell this as a pack. It was a block of the month over 10 months, but this year's intake is full. Wendy has written a book called Wild Blooms and Colourful Creatures and it contains similar patterns. I hope that helps.

  21. Wow!, just wow! that is just amazing

  22. Oh my!! Your quilt is absolutely adorable! And it's felt?? How awesome is that?? What a color explosion... love it.

  23. It's a beautiful WIP.


  24. Absolutely beautiful! That sunny yellow background is fantastic. Love this happy piece for sure.

  25. What fun to see this quilt again! Hope you reach your goal with it!

  26. What size is the very center square?

  27. Love the colours in this one.

  28. Hello, Wendy!
    There is a block of the month featuring this same Your House or Mine Quilt like you did a couple years ago and I found your blog when searching on this quilt. I cannot remember when I have been so excited about a new project as I am about this one. Love the colors!
    I do have a question for you. The quilt shop that is featuring this block of the month has an offer on the entire set of 80 silk thread colors in the line of Kimono Silk thread but looking at your quilt, I see a lot of yellow thread. What did you do with yours? Do you think a person needs an extensive collection of colors for this quilt? Would value your feedback on this...
    Thank you!
    Allyson Smith
    Mosier, OR

  29. Hello Allyson. I can't reply directly because you're a no reply blogger, so will answer here. I don't think you need the kimono silk threads at all. Wendy Williams uses thicker threads like DMC Perle 8. That's what I used to applique the felt pieces on. These days I would use Wonderfil Perle 8 too. I have about 20 colours of perle 8, but would start with a smaller number like 5-10. Green, red, blue, white, pink,black etc. then go into shades of the colours if required.


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