
Friday 12 September 2014

Possum Magic - Rebecca's block

Another Possum Magic deadline is drawing near, so this week I finished adding my border to Rebecca's block. I really enjoyed working on her block - it allowed me to use red which I hardly ever use in my own quilts.

This is what it looks like now:

Rebecca's Possum Magic block

Rebecca of One Wee Bird (from Tauranga, NZ) made the centre, which features one wee bird appliqued onto the teal background:

Then Alice of Blossom Quilts (Wellington, NZ) made the first border which is soft and delicate:

Then it was my turn and I added the second border in brighter colours. Rebecca lives in the beautiful Bay of Plenty which is hot and sunny, and has a great surf beach called Mt Maunganui.  I thought Rebecca would like a bit of sunny yellow in her quilt. I also used red to complement the background colour in her central motif.

I decided to keep the pieces quite large to preserve the lovely designs. I followed Gwen Marston's Liberated Quilts book and made the border from various sized pieces.

I included one special fabric for Rebecca - a little bird, which even has some chicks in the nest (although 3 of Rebecca's chicks are a bit big for that):

I've sent it all onto Sharon of Motherdragon's Musings in Queensland today, including quite a large piece of the birdie fabric which anyone else is welcome to use in future borders.

You can check out the progress of the other blocks (including mine) in the Possum Magic tab at the top of my blog. I just love what Jo and Sharon have done to mine so far. It currently looks like it will glow in the dark, but I don't think it's quite that bright in real life:


  1. The colours you chose for your border work very well with the centre piece. It's very interesting to see how each individual adds their own unique touch to a project like this.

  2. That bird print is so cute. I have some bird fabric I'll have to audition for this as well when I get it!

    I love how the fabrics you chose are a great blend of the warm colours in the centre!

  3. your fabric certainl;y brings the brd in the centre out, very nice. The Liberated Quiltmaking II book by Gwen dropped through my letterbox yesterday it is wonderful

  4. That quilt is coming along nicely, and your border looks great with the previous bits of it.
    I took part in a round robin a couple of years back with my Friday Quilters group. It was a secret one, i.e. you didn't see your centre block for a year. I was blown away at the variety or gorgeous quilts at the hand over.

  5. Your border is great, and the bird fabric is so perfect!

  6. That just shines Wendy - so sunny and happy!

  7. I love what you and Alice have done so far Wendy! It really takes it on a different journey when you let other people add to your one wee idea!! The birds in the nest are delicious! I loooove watching all these quilts grow as they move through the Possums 😊

  8. I love your addition to this quilt - such a bright and colourful border. I just love this idea of each member adding to a quilt and seeing all your different interpretations.

  9. What a great addition to the one wee bird. Love that you used hexagons in the corners. I invite you to link to Hexie Weekend to show off the row you've added.

  10. I spotted straight away the bird fabric and how the birds are all facing the right way up. Such lovely cheerful fabrics.
    I think it is the hi-vis greeny yellow that looks like it will glow in the dark in yours. It is coming together nicely, I think. I really like how Jo added pops of pink.

  11. That's looking fantastic! Very nicely done!

  12. What a lovely sunny addition to Rebecca's quilt! I love all of those fabrics :) Yours is looking nice and bright ... my turn next - yippee!


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